
Spoken Ink : The Audio Story Website

Via Spoken Ink

Spoken Ink is the only site on the internet devoted to audio recordings of published short stories, designed for downloading. We offer you world class actors reading the likes of Roald Dahl, Angela Carter, Julian Barnes, Margaret Atwood and a host of new and unknown talent.

We believe the internet is a magical place. Suddenly, at your fingertips, is a library the size of Poland and countless librarians who will introduce you to many marvellous authors, ideas and stories that you have only ever dreamed of.

We are worshippers of the short story. The short story is sleek and fast like a puma, as charming as your Great Aunt Mildred and, at times, sexier than Eva Green. The short story is destined to be the great literary art form of the 21st Century. 30 minutes in the company of the right story may change your week, even your habits.

So, if you are writer, a listener, a publisher or anyone, then plug in your earphones, put down your briefcase, take out the ironing board, climb into bed and listen to the great short story with us.

Visit the Spoken Ink website.

Spoken Ink is also calling for submissions for the first Spoken Ink Audiostory Competition.

Submissions are invited of stories of no more than 1,500 words.

Stories must be the original work of the author, and must not have been published before in any medium.

The stories must be sent by email to [email protected] as attachments, and must be in .doc, .rtf or .pdf format.

A long list of ten stories will be posted on the site.

A short list of three stories will be selected by our panel, recorded and posted on the site. The public may then vote on them.

The winner will receive £250, second prize is £50, and third prize £25

The competition closes on 31st July 2010.

More details about this competition can be found here.


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