
Reaching Reluctant Readers

Deanna Gouzie,a children’s librarian, suggests a few ways of reaching out reluctant readers:

Sometimes well meaning adults place persistent stress on the child to read constantly which can be counterproductive. We want our kids to be better readers so we make them read. They associate reading with answering questions, taking tests and sounding out words. Reading then becomes a battleground instead of a source of pleasure. Whatever the reason, the fact remains some kids prefer not to read. So what can we do about it?

Give Them Freedom of Choice – – Let them read for fun! A cereal box, a comic, a magazine or a novel…it is all valuable. Suggest a popular series. It might not be great literature, but their predictable themes and familiar characters will instill confidence and help your child prepare for more substantial reading down the road.

Play to Their Passion – Whether it’s trucks, horses or Sponge Bob, your child has had a fascination with something and most likely there is a book about it. Find it. If they are interested in the topic, they will read it or at least make the connection that there is something worthwhile and interesting inside of a book.

Read her other suggestions here.

Image Source: betsystreeter


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