
Pratham Books Champion : Poornima Sardana

As part of Litworld’s World Read Aloud Day celebrations, we decided to ask our community if they would conduct storytelling sessions in their cities. 50 awesome champions decided to take part and ‘celebrate the power of words’. We will be sharing the stories of all our champions through our blog.
Photo credit : Jasleen Thethi
Today’s story comes from Poornima Sardana who conducted a storytelling session in Ahmedadbad. Poornima Sardana has studied Communication Design with an ever growing interest in Storytelling and Comic Books. She keenly researches in the domain of Education, travels, meets new people and tries her level best to comprehend the world around her through the narratives of daily life. Currently she is working towards developing a narrative/game for children based on influences of changing culture and lifestyle. She hopes to contribute through stories and graphic novels when she grows up (a little more ). Click here to visit Poornima’s blog.
Poornima wrote about her storytelling session on her blog. We’ve converted the post into a PDF so that the pictures load faster and so that you can see this stunning visual essay of the storytelling session. All the photographs have been taken by Sudeep Shyamal. Please zoom in if you want to read the story in a larger font or to enlarge the pictures.

Pratham Books Champion : Poornima Sardana

Thank you Poornima, Prakash Bhai and Sudeep Shyamal for spreading the joy of reading!

Click here to read the stories sent in by all the Pratham Books Champions.

Note : If any of you want to be a Pratham Books Champion and join us on our journey of getting ‘a book in every child’s hand’, write to us at web(at)prathambooks(dot)org.


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