
Masterpiece 2.0 : A Canvas Being Made with a Web 2.0 Approach

Masterpiece 2.0, a social media art project by Baschz and Selfcontrolfreak.

Masterpiece 2.0 is a social media project by Baschz and Selfcontrolfreak. The painting is being created with a web 2.0 approach

Via Masterpiece 2.0

Through actions like Introduce Object, Shirt ‘Em and Cameo Appearance you can interact with Selfcontrolfreak, right on the canvas! Layer-by-layer these actions will be drawn into the growing animating canvas by Baschz. Every step is photographed seperately and will, together with the other photographed frames, form the growing time-lapse animation with Selfcontrolfreak in the leading role. Prices of the various actions vary from €10 to €50.

This will add new animation to the time-lapse movie and get you a one-off hi-res image of one of your animation’s frames, created and signed by Baschz.The final multilayered canvas and documentation of the project are being auctioned, so you can become the owner of this unique painting!

Read more about the project here.

Click on the image above to see the video.


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