
“Learn, your way” Awareness campaign

Via Upcoming

The students of CSIM, Bangalore, are organizing “Learn your way”, an awareness campaign for encouraging Open Schooling in Bangalore. This is an event to sensitize parents, teachers, children and adolescents towards the open schooling concept for a stress free education.

For years now, it has been widely recognized that the mainstream education system in our country is producing more dropouts every year than successful candidates, for various reasons. The recent spate of student suicides in the metro cities has jolted us and made us painfully aware that it is time for the citizens to wake up and act.

And there do exist solutions to these problems. One of them is a parallel system, fully recognized by the Government of India, which caters to the varying levels of intelligence and needs of a child. Through the National Open Schooling system, the largest system of alternate education anywhere in the world, a child can complete education at his/her own pace, with subjects of his/her own choice.

Our objective is to create awareness about the existence of this alternate schooling system, so that our children who are unable to cope with mainstream education system know there is no hope lost – just because they have to drop out of school, does not mean that they have to drop out of life.

We are planning an orchestrated campaign with events like street plays and rallies, culminating in seminars, radio shows and other media events, all designed to promote this system of alternate education.

We request your whole-hearted support for this noble cause. You may contribute in terms of volunteer support and sponsorships and in any other way which will endorse our view that open schooling is a means to open minds and hearts.

Website: http://openskool.wordpress.com

This event is on 5th May, 2010 at 10 am at Cubbon Park, Bangalore.


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