
Hindi Literature, International Publishers

With big publishers like Penguin and Harper Collins publishing in Hindi and other Indian languages, will the Hindi book market be projected internationally? Pratilipi, a bilingual quarterly magazine, chats with Minakshi Thakur, the Hindi editor at Harper Collins India.
Via Pratilipi

But in a country where the primary language, the first language of parlance is not English, it felt, seemed a bit lopsided rather incomplete not to publish in languages that are actually Indian, those that originated in India and are spoken by most people.

Also language writing in any country or region is much more honest, dynamic, socio-politically and emotionally nuanced, topical and brave. There is a huge market waiting to be taken over. There are huge gaps in the Hindi market waiting to be identified. We knew the basic challenge was to understand how different the Hindi market or audience was from the English.

Also language writing in any country or region is much more honest, dynamic, socio-politically and emotionally nuanced, topical and brave. There is a huge market waiting to be taken over. There are huge gaps in the Hindi market waiting to be identified. We knew the basic challenge was to understand how different the Hindi market or audience was from the English. We had to enter this terrain on the market’s terms, not ours.

Read the entire article here.

Also read Get Your Fix of Hindi Pulp Fiction in English Now

Image Source: roblerner



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  2. cpa network November 17, 2010

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  4. Santosh Kaul Kak May 31, 2018

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