
Google Noticeboard: Connecting Communities

The Google Internet Bus is still travelling across Tamil Nadu and educating people about the Internet. Now Google India Labs has come out with the Google Noticeboard which aims at giving people access to information through public digital noticeboards. The noticeboards can even be used by people who have no prior computer experience and literacy is not a pre-requisite as the messages can be voice-based
From their website:

Communities with access to shared computers can use the Noticeboard for exchanging messages related to community announcements, social interactions, local buying and selling, and information that is of wider interest to the community. The Noticeboard may also be used for the community to engage in a dialog with benefactors, public servants, and other service providers who are geographically distant. For example, residents of an apartment complex can use the Noticeboard for posting announcements, or NGOs who own and operate computer centers in several villages can use the Noticeboard to enable village residents to communicate amongst themselves.

Read more about this application here.

Also read Digital Multimedia Bookshop.

Image Source: Meanest Indian


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