
FriendsOfBooks Book Shot Campaign

Our friends at FriendsOfBooks have a fun contest on their Facebook page.
Here’s a chance to get books worth Rs. 1000/- Free! Free! Free!

Join the FriendsOfBooks Book Shot campaign. Tell the world your love books and do it FoB style.

Its simple-

1. Click a photo of yourself or a friend reading a book, FoB style, just like the picture attached.
2. Post it on the FriendsOfBooks FaceBook Fan Page.
3. The photo that gets the maximum “Like” votes from visitors by May 7th , 2010, gets books of their choice worth Rs. 1000/- Free! from www.FriendsOfBooks.com

Don’t have a Facebook account yet? No Sweat. Email us the picture at cs@friendsofbooks.com and we will post it for you.

You can see the Pratham Books photo entry here. This little fellow’s smile is infectious… the joy of reading indeed! And if we win (*fingers crossed*), the books will go to some special people who you will find out about on this very space :).


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