
Forging new worlds with our words – Pratham Books and UNICEF India publishes a handbook on creating diverse picture books

UNICEF India and Pratham Books are excited to release The World We Live in, the Words We Create, a conversation starter on creating diverse picture books. This handbook is filled with activities, suggestions and prompts and hopes to be an enabler for the creative community to create a more diverse, inclusive reading experience for children.

The handbook has been developed in collaboration with some of the most amazing people who work with children’s books in India, with experts from UNICEF’s teams, and our years of bookmaking experience.

“Children’s picture books are like maps — they help children navigate territories which are unfamiliar and unique to children’s lived experience.” — Raviraj Shetty, Occupational Therapist and Writer

Underscoring the Pratham Books value of inclusion, we believe that diversity starts with diverse books. If you are:

  • A writer
  • An illustrator
  • An editor
  • An art director
  • An educator
  • A librarian
  • A book seller
  • A sales and marketing representative
  • A translator
  • Someone who works with children and books
  • Anyone who loves stories
  • A reader
  • None of the above

Then this handbook is for you.

You can download The World We Live in, the Words We Create below. It’s released under a CCBY4.0 license.


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