
Flash Cards And Guides to Get Kids Interested in Birding

The Nature Conservation Foundation has introduced a series of flash cards and a pocket guide on Indian bird species to get children interested in birding.

Can you identify the White throated Kingfisher or the Greater Coucal, or the Indian Robin for that matter? It’s time to start learning about India’s abundant bird species with your children through “What’s That Bird?”, a set of flashcards on birds of India, featuring about 40 common species.
Made for kids, the postcard-size, laminated cards are designed for rough use. They have a photo of the bird on one side and some information on the other, with pictorial representations and less text. The cards also come with a set of trivia questions, which form a game. Information includes where the bird is found, what its call sounds like, its behaviour, followed by a “fun facts” section.
The flashcards are only one of several projects at Early Bird, a learning programme on birds and nature designed and developed by the Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF), a non-profit trust that works in research and conservation of India’s natural heritage, and in education and public engagement. “Our motivation is to encourage and facilitate a deeper connection with nature, through birds”, says Garima Bhatia, project manager of Early Bird. They are targeting the six to 14 age group.

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