
Dinosaurs eggs at Cauvery basin

With the imminent launch of our book about the river Cauvery, our antennas (Antenna: plural antennae in biology, and antennas in radio) start jiggling the minute we read/hear/see anything about Cauvery. And our zoology-loving colleague Dr.Utkarsha Manish gets excited when there is any news about reptiles. She promptly alerted the Pratham Books editorial team about this breaking news:

Research scholars, archaeologists and geologists of the Periyar University in Salem, Tamil Nadu have found hundreds of fossilized dinosaur eggs at a nesting site in South India in the Cauvery basin region near Ariyalur. The shells are estimated to be 6.5 crore years old! That’s 65 million years old! Each egg is about 13 to 20 cm in diameter and they were lying in sandy nests which were 1.25 metres across.

Read more here, here, and here.

And then if you haven’t visited our own ‘Cauvery’ site, please do so now. Sorry, no dino eggs there, but contests to be won, stories to be shared, and an important pledge to be made!


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