
Celebrating International Friendship Day – Our Online Friends

August 2 is International Friendship Day. In recent times, we have been quite active online and have met some wonderful people/organizations who inspire us, provide us with daily doses of inspiration and bring big grins to our faces.
Teresa Reisinger from Central Manor, Pennsylvania is one of our favourite people. A message on twitter about a Christmas cake turned into a conversation that revolved around reading and is now evolving as a programme between the school, Pratham Books and Akshara Foundation. Teresa is a bundle of energy and is a super-organizer and has been organizing several reading programmes between kids at Central manor and us. Thank you for the wonderful Skype sessions and programmes you organize.

Our blog always has lovely images because of the numerous people who have licensed their work under Creative Commons licenses. Whilst searching for these photos, we have come across wonderful people like Meena Kadri (whose photos are sooooo beautiful), Arti Sandhu (love the street art photographs and her illustrations), Betsy Streeter (cute illustrations), Alicia Souza (more cute illustrations) and many more. Patti Sundstrom holds a special place in our hall of fame for being one of the first people on Flickr to remix our CC-licensed images.

It has been a joy to interact with Yvette Garfield from Handstand Kids and Aravinda Anantharaman from Lama Mani Books. Approachable and enthusiastic are two words that come to my mind when I think of my interactions with them.

Moving on to Twitter… Twitter has helped us connect with so many people. We met Teresa from Central Manor on there. Another person we met was Cathy from Anorak Magazine. Cathy was so generous that she sent us copies of the stunning mag to share with kids at the Akshara Foundation. The kids from the Akshara libraries are also collaborating with the magazine on an art project of sorts. Some of the other people whose tweets inspire/make us giggle/ surprise us/ inform us are @indianfolklore (for their interesting news and the mutual admiration club); @sangamindia, @arch4humanityND and @thinkchangeind (for the work they do); @svara, @thinkmaya, @mediamacaroni and @inkgypsy(for spreading a grin); @pedulianak (for the work they do in Indonesia and for recommending us ever so often); @thecreativepenn, @bubblecow and @abhaga for publishing news; @cariberger and @storybird for their awesome art and design related links; @adropofwisdom and @balaji_a for retweeting many of our links and spreading the word around when it matters; @starcluster_85 for religiously sending us links that relate to our blog.

This list is not a comprehensive list of people who matter to us… We would like to thank each and every person we have come across in our journey (online and offline).

??????? aka Thank You!

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