
Bloggers Social Responsibility : Blog about an NGO

If you love the work we do, here’s your chance to tell the world about it. BlogAdda has recently introduced a feature that helps you support a cause you believe in through the ‘Bloggers Social Responsibility Initiative’.

About Bloggers Social Responsibility
Like CSR, we are now introducing BSR, Bloggers Social Responsibility. A blogger, like everyone else is also socially responsible. We all know the power of words. So, why not use this power to make our home, our India, a better place to live in? To make it or break it, is in your hands, in your words. Let us help the people who are doing some exemplary work to make living conditions better of our home.

Click here for more information.

The NGO’s are here, with their different causes. Now it’s your turn to support them. And it’s very simple. Support them through your blog.
3 simple steps to make a difference. Read. Blog. Share.
  • Read about the NGO and its cause.
  • Blog about the NGO by simply copy-pasting its details and creating a post. Add your own insights too.
  • Share it with the blogosphere and spread the word.
Three simple steps taken by you can do a lot for the NGO. You can spread awareness about the various social causes through these NGO’s. As a blogger, you have the power of words and reach. With your words, you can influence many and provoke a thought. Use your power the wise way by invoking a feeling of awakening among the citizens of India.
Support the NGO’s by visiting this link and blog now!
If you are a NGO or an organisation working for social good, use this form to submit details to us and participate in this program.
Read the entire post here.
If you love the work that Pratham Books does, use the power of your blog to talk about our work and encourage people to help us achieve our mission of ‘a book in every child’s hand’.

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