
The Arrorró Project : Collecting Global Lullabies

Via Global Voices

Artist Gabriela Golder from Argentina has taken it upon herself to discover, record and collect lullabies from all over the world, and to find connections among them in the Arrorró project. Rising Voices director David Sasaki wrote about the project on the 80+1 website, where he interviewed Gabriela on camera, and got authors and editors for Global Voices involved by inspiring many to record themselves singing the lullabies they remembered from their childhood.

Via 80+1

Arrorró is a project about cultural diversity that attempts to create a technological bridge between different realities. Two cities will be connected in real time to share cradle songs, lullabies, and even songs to sleep and wake up to. It contains rhythms and sounds that can be understood across languages, barriers, and distances. The goal is for hundreds of people to share dreams, traditions, and languages through lullabies. Arrorró aims to couple emotion with technology, thereby creating a natural space to represent diversity.

The video above is an Azerbaijani lullaby about a baby dreaming about his life.

Read about the project and see more lullabies here.


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