
The Bicycle Project

We found a link to ‘The Bicycle Project‘ from the ThinkChange India website. The bicycle project collects old bicycles and provides them to children who have to walk to school to receive an education.

Via The Bicycle Project

In villages located a couple of hours outside Mumbai, there are several children aged 6-16 years, walking an average of 2-7 kms a day, one way, to get an education. This is the generation that will bring about a change for the better – for their families, their villages, and who knows, maybe even their country and some day, the world!

Going to school is the most important thing for these kids – and they know that. Which is why no distance is too long – and walking for hours is normal because missing school is not an option. Whether rain or shine, blistering heat or freezing cold, these children do their best to get to school on time, every day. We’re asking you to help these children by being part of The Bicycle Project.

Other ways in which you can help:

1) Sponsoring the repairs of the bikes (on an average, each bike costs Rs 400 to fix up)
2) Transporting (or sponsoring it) the bikes from the donors’ homes to the repair shop and then to the village
3) Sharing a space where all the bikes donated in your area can be collected, before they are picked up in a single trip, which will save a lot of time, money and energy.

Read more about this project here.

Image Source: Leo Tikhonov


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