
Twittering Thursday

From our world of Twitter, a weekly update…

The biggest news was our favourite site BoingBoing featuring us on their site and mentioning our CC-licensed images. Yayyy!

Another place you can keep track of us is on friendfeed. Our facebook url is also easier to remember now (www.facebook.com/prathambooks).

Travelled back in time to visit our blog archives and read about Story Revolution and Book Nooks for Kids in Bangalore.

We went from reading about creating sustainable water infrastructure to being impressed a poster made of soap, from English skills helping rural students to street kids painting a restaurant, India’s richest men joining Bill Gates for a literacy drive in slums and Ignou announcing the launch of 100 community colleges.

The following articles on the Karnataka Learning Partnership blog made for good reading – Competency Levels of Students in Karnataka, Will Govt take steps to make schools better, The Wrongs in the Right to Education Bill and Keeping Kids in School : Tackling High Dropout Rates.

Three other interesting articles were Tweetraising: The Potential For Charities On Twitter , Civic Apps Could Redefine The Way Citizens Interact With Cities and why Gmail Should be the Hub of Your Company’s Social Media Strategy.

In the world of books….

… Mitali Perkins book ‘Rickshaw Girl’ is being translated into Marathi, IDW plans to publish deluxe editions of Archie Comics, The Bound for Success exhibition at the Bodleian Library has some stunning examples of bookbinding on the theme of water and the Human Genre Project has short stories and essays about genes and genomics.

Moving on to Fellowships, Grants and Volunteering Opportunities…

@YatinSethi tweeted about Schwab Foundation – Social Entrepreneur of the Year Competition – India 2009, @thinkchangeind tweeted about the One Billion Minds 2009 Fellowship Program, and @adropofwisdom tweeted about Asia Pacific Future 100 program.

@FYSE tweeted about Indian Youth Summit on Climate Change: Badlaav 2009, Rotary Social Entrepreneurship Business Plan Challenge 2009 for youth (for people in Singapore) and the $1 million award from Gates Foundation for Facilitating Innovation in Learning.

The Bernard van Leer Foundation if offering a Fellowship for Young Journalists working on Children’s Issues. The IHEU-HIVOS 2009 grants application are now open and the Teach India campaign is back this year (See their ‘Teach a lesson for lunch‘ poster)

Since, this has become a really long Twittering Thursday post, we shall post the second part of this post tomorrow. Come back to find the other links that caught our attention.

Image Source : Matt Hamm


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