Twitter Recap

Children’s writer Roopa Pai talks to Arati Rao about her new Taranauts series and writing for kids in India.
‘When Kulbhushan Met Stockli’ is the result of a comics collaboration between India and Switzerland.
Keep up with your favourite Random House author on your iPhone.
@heyjudeonline– The Book Cover Archive ~ for the appreciation and categorization of excellence in book cover design.
‘Media Meltdown’ is a media literacy comic for kids.
@karaditales: We’ve partnered with a wonderful children’s website to bring a fun story writing contest for kids.
@linkstoliteracy – Reading Comics Aloud to Kids: 10 strategies that enhance literacy
A phone box gets a new life as a library.
Read about how Random House got the ban on the book ‘Ulysses’ dropped and how it went on to become a bestseller.
@weheartbooks – The cutest ABC ever!
The WorldBank blog asks – Can eBooks replace printed books in Africa?
@tulikabooks: Children & art appreciation: a review of Tulika’s latest 4 books in the ‘Looking at Art’ series.
A list of authors who will be attending the Jaipur Literature Festival , 21st-25th Jan 2010
@abhaga – List your best 5 Indian Comics (1, 2)
@vimoh – Story Something quietly opens up, turns your kids into heroes
Read about a book club’s holiday tradition. Author Pamela Redmond Satran talks about the ultimate gift – Books for Christmas.
Find out which books are the most frequently stolen books.
@tarabooks: Anushka Ravishankar blogs about the ‘Bookaroo’ children’s event held in Delhi.
@swagatsen – Student Film Festival of CMCS, TISS : (Last date for submission of entires: 15th January, 2010).
@akb_books – Ashok K. Banker’s first book reading and signing in over 5 years is being held on 9th January, 2010 in Mumbai.
Google’s 2009 Holiday Gift To Ad Partners: $20 Million To Charity. Pratham is also one of the intended recipients.
@Toybank– Toybank featured in ‘Time Out Bengaluru’
@thinkchangeind – Janta Foundation launches p2p micro-loan site for child education
@CSOPartners – Only 2 more days to submit application for CSO Partners’ annual report awards for NGOs
We were revisiting our blog archives to browse through Prashant Miranda’s lovely travel paintings/diaries.
@ashokpadda – Interesting idea – piggybacking products/ads/information over match boxes to rural markets –
@brainpicker –Yves Behar and Nicholas Negroponte announce XO-3, tablet follow-up to the XO One Laptop Per Child.
Image Source : Alex Eben Meyer