
Help Avalokitesvara Trust Print ‘Chuskit Goes to School’ in Ladakhi

We are thrilled to see a collaboration we have been working on for the past few months almost reach its goal. For some time now, we have been seeing an interest in translations of our books. Last year Avalokitesvara Trust got in touch with us to discuss the possibility of translating ‘Chuskit goes to school’ in Ladakhi. The story set in Ladakh would be absolutely relevant to the kids they work with in Ladakh.

Like we always say, we publish in multiple languages but our work still isn’t enough for all the children in India. Our mission to get ‘a book in every child’s hand’ will only be possible through collaborations like this.

The original book is under a public domain license and free for anyone to remix. Avalokitesvara Trust would provide us with the translation while we would help with the layout of the book. Once we received the translation, our team started laying out the book. We grappled with the fonts at times (which seemed to mysteriously change from time to time), the different versions bounced between all our inboxes and finally the book is ready… well, almost!

Avalokitesvara Trust is fundraising to print this book and get it into the hands of the children they work with. If you want to help print books in the language the children can read, support their fundraising campaign.

Via Avalokitesvara Trust

As a new area of expansion this year, we are interested in publishing translations of select children’s books in Ladakhi. Our first is a Ladakhi translation of ‘Chuskit goes to School’, in collaboration with Pratham Books

‘Chuskit goes to school’ is a story about a disabled Ladakhi girl who dreams of going to school, making friends, learning maths and playing games. Written by Sujatha Padmanabhan and illustrated by Madhavanti Anantharajan, it has been translated into Ladakhi by Gen Konchok Phanday. 

We are raising funds to have Chos skyid slob grva’a cha’a nog published, printed and shipped to Ladakh for Ladakhi children. Contributions are welcome. Email: avalokitesvaratrust@gmail.com or call +919622140328

Note : This fundraising campaign is being run and managed by Avalokitesvara Trust. Any money donated to the campaign will go to Avalokitesvara Trust only.

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