
The DRM Threat Faced by Kindle Owners

Amazon had been locking a few customers out of their accounts if they misuse certain user agreements. But do they have a right to ban the customer from using the media they have already purchased?
Via ars technica

Kindle users have been grumbling lately about Amazon locking them out of their accounts, reportedly due to an overly high volume of returns on their Kindle books. ChannelWeb draws attention to the plight of one user who admitted to three “high-priced returns,” though he denied abusing Amazon’s return policy. Despite this, Amazon banned him from making more purchases from the online store, which also locked him out of accessing his already-purchased Kindle items.

This particular user eventually got his account reinstated, with Amazon warning that it could revoke access again in the future. Though the phenomenon isn’t common enough to be considered an epidemic, a number of other users reported that they had a similar account lock-out from Amazon, turning their Kindles into $360 paperweights.

A bookstore that locks you out because you treated it like a library doesn’t take away the collection already sitting on your bookshelf, after all.

Read the entire article here.

Image Source: EricaJoy


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