Pratham Books

Conference Report: JUMPSTART Join the Dots

Pratham Books was happy to be a part of JUMPSTART Join the Dots 2010 held on 20th and 21st August, 2010 at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi.

JUMPSTART was a two-day event open to authors, illustrators, publishers, marketing professionals, booksellers, librarians, teachers, principals – pretty much anyone and EVERYONE working with, and interested in Children’s Books!

There were sessions covering:

• Illustrating children’s books
• Marketing children’s books
• Translating children’s books
• Writing for different age groups
• Rights selling and buying
• New Technologies
• Storytelling skills
• Comics and Graphic novels
• Libraries
• Nurturing readers
• Fiction, fantasy, comics, picture books

We were part of two panels, one on multilingual publishing along with Tulika Books – Manisha from Pratham Books spoke of our challenges and Radhika from Tulika used this wonderful presentation to speak of the tightrope that is multilingual publishing:

The other session we spoke at was the session on Technology and Publishing and we spoke of our social publishing strategy and how our model depends on community, technology and open licenses to build greater access to children’s books and to create more content for children to read too.

It was also wonderful to see a UNESCO Donate-A-Book box there too.

We had a wonderful time at JumpStart and hope it is an annual event.

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