Pratham Books

A Loud Cheer (and Whistle) for the Illustrator Community

About two weeks ago, we asked illustrators to take the #6FrameStoryChallenge and donate their illustrations to Pratham Books’ upcoming open-source story publishing platform. The challenge came to an end last night and it was such a dramatic finish. We were nervous as we heard illustrators tell us that they were in the middle of sending across their work, crossing our fingers that everyone’s internet and technology wouldn’t fail them at the last moment, relieved as we saw their mails pop up in our inbox – phew!
We’re thrilled to announce that we have received 75 stories as part of Pratham Books’ #6FrameStoryChallenge. We’re deeply grateful to all the illustrators who have put in so much time and effort to help us create a fresh pool of incredible illustrations (450+) for our upcoming open-source story platform. 
Our inbox is filled with amazingly diverse artwork that will delight millions of young readers across the country. With so many entries to sift through, we may take a little time to respond, so please bear with us. For those of you who couldn’t finish your 6 frames on time, you won’t be able to contest, but please send us your work because we’d still love to share and use your visual story on our platform. 
A loud cheer (and whistle) for the illustrator community, you guys are awesome! We’ll continue to share fantastic illustrations through our Facebook events page and blog, so stay glued to these.

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