Pratham Books

We Got Time

Moray McLaren’s “We Got Time” video is pure visual pleasure. You have to hit the play button to see the brilliance of this video. The animation is superb (and it has not been done on the computer).

Using both praxinoscopes and the technique of matching up the frame rate of the spinning record to that of the camera, no computer super-imposing was used; what you see is what rolled off the camera. The transitions between each section of animation was created by simply cutting or wiping between the bits of footage.

The director, David Wilson, believes that the mechanism of rotation and this kind of animation fits in with the theme of the video.”The animations are based around lifecycles… There is a natural balance and rotation found in life where the death of one living creature actually creates life for another and how parallels can be drawn between these cycles to the difficulties and joys and comings and goings of our human relationships”, says David.

And after you finish watching the video, watch the making of the video.

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