Pratham Books

Twittering Thursday

Its that time of the week when you get a quick update of what @prathambooks has been upto and what we have been reading:
We spotted an addition to the “Around the World in 100 Bookshelves” project and learned about author Christine Kohler’s storytelling session. We read about Disability Access activists gathering to protest the removal of text-to-speech capabilities in Amazon’s new Kindle 2 ebook device. We were also reading Rohini Nilekani’s article titled “Next wave of voluntarism. Another article we shared with our friends on Twitter was “‘Non-profit only’ rule hinders private equity in education“. Also, read about this silly copyright claim being made by CW-11 News.

Sent out a reminder for people to participate in the Global Voices Book Challenge. Knowing that many moms follow us on Twitter, we wondered if they would participate in “The World According to Mom“. Take a look and see if you want to participate in it.

Also, Moss Green Children’s Books wrote about Pratham Books on their blog.

From the tweets of people we follow, these are some of the things that we liked:

@prajnya tweeted about Mapping TN Educational Policy Structures.

@inkgypsy sent us to look at Oona Patterson’s gorgeous ‘bookscapes’ (paper sculptures out of books)

@NPOrgs led us to a site where we could go vote for an organization and help JP Morgan choose who to give $60K.

Image Source: Alex Mathers

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