Pratham Books

Twittering Thursday

Tweet tweet…chirp chirp.. Time for a twitter update…

One of our books ‘The First Farmers- A Warli Folktale‘ is on our Scribd account. Skip over and read the entire book. We also put up some illustrations of our books under a Creative Commons license and uploaded them to our Flickr account. Feel free to remix them and add a dash of your own creativity and magic.

@mitaliperkins was tweeting about celebrating book birthdays on Twitter. If you’re on twitter and have written or illustrated a traditionally published book for children or teens releasing 2009-2010, Mitali will spread the word around and celebrate your book birthday. Now isn’t that a fabulous idea?

Mitali also tweeted about the responses she got to the question “Would it would be okay to update a classic children’s book to reflect changing mores about race?”

We found out about The Uniform Project which is year-long fundraiser for the Akanksha Foundation. Sheena Matheiken has pledged to wear one dress for one year as an exercise in sustainable fashion. At the end of the year, all contributions will go toward Akanksha’s School Project to fund uniforms and other educational expenses for slum children in India.

We were also reading ‘Why Primary Education Should Be the Government’s Primary Concern‘ and ‘The Price We Pay for Schools‘.

With Twitter becoming so popular, teachers and students may be interested in knowing 50 ways to use Twitter in the college classroom. We also found a link to 100 awesome open courses for those who want to change the world.

Find out why illustrators are upset over Google’s invitation to contribute free art.

@shioyama led us to a World Map of Social Networks and @abhaga sent us to an article on ‘Hundred years of Arthashastra in print‘.

Look at pictures of the Kindle DX with 10 everyday things.

We leave you with some pictures of Ché Francisco Ortiz’s day at the Bbardwalk. A site called Wooster Collective asked their fans on Facebook “If I gave you $50 today, with the condition that you had to spend it on “art”, what would you do with it?”. Ché Francisco Ortiz said: “Buy a ton of sidewalk chalk and give it out to every kid i saw at the park or boardwalk.” So, they sent him the money and he sent them pictures of what happened after that. Cute :).

Image Source: Tad Carpenter

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