Pratham Books

Twittering Thursday – 2

Part 2 of our ‘Twittering Thursday’ post…This is a collection of interesting tweets from the people we follow on Twitter.
We have talked about the TED talks very often on this blog. @billzimmerman linked to Margaret Stewart’s sketchbook notes from the TED2009 sessions.
@indiblogger mentioned that nominations were open for best Indian blog on social causes while @thinkchangeind tweeted about India Water Portal’s call for interns.

The Etisalat Prize for Arabic Children’s Literature was launched at BEA and is the world’s biggest children’s book prize to be launched (via @worldbooktrade).
@thecreativepenn was tweeting about Project Gutenberg’s new goal of reaching one billion readers. She also mentioned a writing contest for Science Fiction writers. The theme of the contest is What if?

Remember our post on the unofficial sequel of Catcher in the Rye? @TheBookseller led us to the article on Salinger’s lawyers seeking to block the sequel. Ficly is a place for playing with story-telling; a collaborative environment where anyone can pick up a narrative thread and weave a prequel or sequel. @thinkmaya sent us to this collaborative storytelling site.

@BookChook has a free digital magazine on her site for parents with tips to encourage kids to read, write, create.
@paperbackjack tweeted about writing in the digital age and the importance of different reading platforms.

@indianfolklore spread the news about the Indian Folklife issue on Multi-lingual Education for Indigenous Communities. The last link is a link we tweeted to our friends on Twitter. Take a look at the ‘book book shelf‘ – a shelf made of discarded books!
Image Source: Alberto+Cerriteño


  1. Ratlion June 12, 2009


    Thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving me such a 'sweet' comment! (Sorry, could'nt resist :D)

    I've been spending quite some time pouring over your website, blog and your books on Scribd (great idea, btw!). As someone who's a fan of both reading and children's books, I really like what you guys are doing at Pratham!




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