Pratham Books


1. Al Jazeera Announces Launch of Free Footage Under Creative Commons License

Al Jazeera Network today announced the world’s first repository of broadcast-quality video footage released under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution license. Select Al Jazeera video footage – at this time, footage of the War in Gaza – will be available for free to be downloaded, shared, remixed, subtitled and eventually rebroadcasted by users and TV stations across the world with acknowledgement to Al Jazeera.

Al Jazeera will release its exclusive Arabic and English coverage produced by the Network’s correspondents and crews in the Gaza Strip online at The ongoing war and crisis in Gaza, together with the scarcity of news footage available, make the repository a key resource for anyone producing content about the current situation.

2. Computer education in urban slums and rural areas – Pratham Infotech Initiative

The Pratham Infotech education initiative, is a part of Pratham – the motto of which is a simple and precise “Every child in school… and learning well..”. Besides focussing on the basic primary and secondary education needs, Pratham has over the past few years started its IT educational initiative – “From illiteracy to e-literacy” – as the motto goes.

The programme aims to reach almost 37500 students through a direct and catalytic methodology.

While the direct method focuses on complete involvement, right from providing laptops to the schools to monitoring progress, the catalytic method being implemented for the first time in the programme, aims at reaching schools around the direct schools with computer labs which already have the necessary hardware through government grants and other charitable initiatives but are effectively obsolete due to lack of operational knowledge, pedagogical methodologies, or sheer ignorance and apathy in some cases.

3. And from the PaperTiger’s blog comes the Reading the World Challenge 2009.


  1. Marjorie January 25, 2009

    Thank you for spreading the word about our Reading the World Challenge – it’s going to be fun!

  2. Maya January 25, 2009

    Welcome Marjorie. Do keep us posted on the response from your blog readers!


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