Pratham Books

Room To Read

Image by americanlibraries via Flickr

The Knowledge@Wharton blog has an excellent interview with John Wood, who founded Room to Read. We also supply books for Room To Read’s Indian operations:

After a trek in the Himalayas brought him face-to-face with extreme poverty and illiteracy, John Wood left his position as a director of business development at Microsoft to found Room to Read, an award-winning international education organization. Under his leadership, more than 1.7 million children in the developing world now have access to enhanced educational opportunities. Room to Read to date has opened 725 schools and 7,000 bilingual libraries, and funded more than 7,000 scholarships for girls. Wood talked with Knowledge@Wharton about the launch of Room to Read, the book he wrote called Leaving Microsoft to Change the World and his personal definition of success.

Click on through to read the full interview.

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