Pratham Books

Radio Mirchi and Pratham Books Join Hands to Share Stories with Blind Children

Remember this story : Radio Mirchi’s Initiative to Reach Out to the Visually Challenged ?

A quick recap for those who don’t remember : When we tweeted about the voice volunteers of the Rotary Helen Keller Talking Book Library, our friends @owos mentioned that Radio Mirchi had done something similar. A quick Google search ensued and with an email address at hand, a mail was sent out to the Radio Mirchi team.A few days later, we managed to speak to Pallavi from the Radio Mirchi team. The aim was to ask about their CSR initiative of recording books for the National Association of the Blind and write a blog post about it. During the course of the conversation, we got talking about Pratham Books. And thanks to some of our Creative Commons licensed books, our books were readily available for them to record.

Where would these audio books go? To the National Association of the Blind.

Recently we received some of the audio books recorded by Radio Mirchi and we were delighted to hear the results. Crowding around a laptop, we listened to the recording with a child-like eagerness. The recordings were so good that everyone in the room was smiling and clapping by the end of the story. The Radio Mirchi team has done a fantastic job and we are sure that the children who hear these stories will have smiles as big as the ones on our faces.

And we have more news…Radio Mirchi has agreed to record more books with us. Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! More books in more languages and more access for more kids.

A big THANK YOU to :

– Pallavi Rao from Radio Mirchi for coordinating this project
Barkha Deva, who shared her experience on Twitter and then volunteered to record one of our books (Moon and the Cap was recorded by Barkha in English)
– All the people who helped record the books
– Rohit Suppal (@owos) for telling us about Radio Mirchi’s CSR project

And we couldn’t help but share the wonderful job done by the Radio Mirchi team. So, here goes…. It is storytime!

(Note : 1. If the links audio links do not work when you click on them, please right click and open them in a new window or download the file to listen to them.
2. If you are receiving this blog post in an email or through an RSS feed and cannot see the audio link, please open the link in a new page.)

Annual Haircut Day-English-Radio Mirchi

Annual Haircut Day-Urdu-Radio Mirchi

Moon and the Cap-English-Radio Mirchi

NOTE: If you do use this content to create more content, please share it back with us so there is more material for visually impaired children. Please credit Radio Mirchi for the audio conversion, Pratham Books for the content and the author of the books (Noni) for providing the story. If you do use this content to create more content, please share it back with us so there is more material for visually impaired children. We would rather that you do not use this material commercially.

This audio material is licensed under
This work by Radio Mirchi, Pratham Books, Noni is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 India License..

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