Pratham Books

Pratham Books and Joy of Giving

Update: Chandni, @fundacause , writes in to point us to this post by Udaan:

To counter the reading disability of children between classes 2 and 7 in government schools, Udaan has set up community libraries within the Hiranandani Gardens complex.The libraries follow the Grow By Reading program and attempt to bring relevant and meaningful literature within reach of children who cannot afford to buy books. The libraries have over 2000 books in English and Hindi, chosen with great care, ensuring that the language is simple, letters are large and easy to read and well illustrated. A book mobilization drive will be conducted in association with Crossword,Powai branch to add more titles to the collection.We are especially looking to add titles from the Read India and Ladybird series to enhance Hindi and English language development.In addition,weeklong storytelling sessions will be conducted by staff and volunteers.

Pratham Books and Crossword at Powai have partnered to participate in the Joy of Giving Week and are helping Udaan with a book promotion.

Customers can buy and donate single titles or choose from the many ready made packs of 5 or 6 books. Some pictures from the store below. If you are in Powai, you might be interested in helping out.

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