Pratham Books

#PBSummerReads : Celebrating Summer With Stories

Mangoes, afternoon naps, watermelons,holiday homework,multiple games of gully cricket, kulfi, fighting with siblings on bored afternoons, nana-nani ka ghar, trying on mummy’s sarees,train journeys, dripping coloured water from the gola, exchanging books with neighbours,reading endlessly…
Did we just remind you of a summer not so long ago of your life? 🙂
Well, the summer didn’t go anywhere, it’s here, in its full glory, with all its accompaniments and we are determined to make sure you re-live it.
So cut a piece of Mango, or dice a watermelon and get ready for #PBSummerReads!
#PBSummerReads means one book for every day of the summery May (okay, we’ve started 3 days late, but we shall make up for it during the month). Read aloud to your child and dive back into your childhood. We’ve got a few themes planned for the next 4 weeks! The theme for the first week is : Grandparents! Many of us have memories of spending time at our grandparents homes during summer – of being pampered, our favourite food being cooked, reading, mini adventures and more! Look out for all the books that feature super cool grandparents.

This campaign also showcases how our Creative Commons licensed books are available as online resources for you to use, read, download and share. We will be updating the #PBSummerReads album every day with links to a book (in all the languages it was printed in). Drop by to read, leave a comment to tell us what you and your kiddo think of the book, contribute an activity that you think a parent/educator/storyteller could use while reading this story. And if you love the story, you can get your own copy to read!

If you are on Twitter, follow the hashtag #PBSummerReads for updates!

If you are using our books offline and want to showcase how you are doing your own version of #PBSummerReads – send us a note about it to web(at)prathambooks(dot)org.

Update : We are also running the ‘Read to Play’ contest along with the #PBSummerReads campaign. 2 book packs to win every week! Find out more.

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