Pratham Books

The Obama Time Capsule : Customizing Your Book

Via PR Newswire

Blurb(R), the creative publishing and marketing platform that enables anyone to design, publish, market and sell their own bookstore-quality books, today announced its sponsorship of The Obama Time Capsule, created by photojournalist Rick Smolan. The Obama Time Capsule features images from more than 140 professional photographers, graphics from renowned infographic designer Nigel Homes and essays from General Colin Powell, Joe Klein, Auma Obama and Arianna Huffington, among others.

HP’s print-on-demand technology enables each copy of The Obama Time Capsule to be personalized with photos and text added by each book buyer. The book is then printed through Blurb’s global print partner network.

“Sitting with friends on election night in 2008, I was touched by how connected all of us felt to the outcome of this election and was inspired to create a book that could enable book lovers to weave their lives together with President Obama’s incredible journey to the White House. Blurb has paved the way because it has shown that print-on-demand books can now rival traditional offset books. Our goal is to create the book of the future ten years ahead of its time – we believe The Obama Time Capsule has the potential to be the first best selling print-on-demand book in publishing history.”

Read the entire article here.

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