Pratham Books

Little Bookworms at Akshay School

Last year, our 29 states, 29 libraries campaign enabled us to send library kits across the country. Akshay School in Amwan village was one such school which was chosen to receive this library. When the books arrived, Raquel Mason (the Director of the school) wrote to us to say :

The children are thrilled and enjoying every single book! 

Although summer vacation started there is a group of children who are coming to school daily for tuition and at the same time they are enjoying some time in the library. We still have to arrange some more furniture to settle every book in a nice way but I wanted to send you these photos so you can see how the books are already making the children’s imagination wonder. 

Today, Raquel sent us another update about the library along with a lovely video that made our day!

Since we received last May your books for our school, we prepared a room with a lot of natural light and with mats where children can find a place full of peace to be able to enjoy reading. 

We have adjusted to the weekly school routine 2 periods of library for each class, so they come to read, enjoy and love books. They can also use the library during holidays if they wish and small workshops related to reading are conducted during summer holidays. 

Children read the books depending of their level and the teacher is also present to aid the students. 

They all are always excited and looking forward to library period as at home they don’t have any books to read. They like learning new stories which later they share with their friends and brothers or sisters. 

Children have favourite books which they like to read more than once, and they practice their reading skills at the same time they enjoy. 

All students of our school visit the library every week and learn also to take care of the books.
Our school is located in a rural village where there is no library at all. This is why it is so important for the children to have this space and possibility of reading books and coming to know how enjoyable it can be reading. 

Thank you very much for your beautiful books!

A huge thank to all the donors who supported the campaign. Thank you for putting the joy of reading into the hands of the little bookworms at Akshay school!
Donate-a-Book is a unique crowdfunding platform for children’s books. You can also support other campaigns like this one to help India’s children read by donating books here.

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