Pratham Books

IDEX Fellows Need Your Help Creating Libraries

From an email we received:

We are a group of IDEX Fellows working in six low-cost schools across Bangalore. The IDEX Fellowship is a 10-month professional development program in social enterprise for recent graduates from all over the world . These schools are affordable (250-750Rs per month, per student) and offer a reasonable alternative to the public school system for working families. Over the next 8 months, we hope to propose tailored solutions that will increase the schools’ sustainability, streamline their operations and increase the quality of education that they are offering to families and students.

One of the projects that we currently have in the pipeline is the construction and organization of libraries, because three of these schools do not have libraries at all. Our goal is to acquire books from the leading Indian publishers of children’s stories and build the libraries from this starting point with well-structured library classes, engaging reading programs and efficient check-out systems. We have created a homepage for this project at if you would like to participate with us in the pursuit of this goal.

If you might consider supporting this, please go here:

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