Pratham Books

Hybrid Novels

Via Cool Hunting

With a goal of finding a new way for readers to delve into the story of a book, Spanish graphic designer Alberto Hernandez used “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” to create the amazingly intricate Hybrid Novels for his master’s degree project.

Noticing that most novels come without images, Hernandez took to the task of re-imagining the classic by incorporating illustration, photos and typographic elements in between the narrative, even taking an X-acto knife and glue to the text.

As Hernandez explained in an interview, the design of the book—with hidden or overlaid pages and printed on different types of paper—was appropriate for the way it matches with the detective plot of R. L. Stevenson’s novel, giving readers the feeling of true interaction with the story in a literally hands-on way.

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