Pratham Books

Google Offers…

Gosh! Google surely seems to be offering a lot to the consumer. An offer to dive underwater, an internet bus and what not.


Via ThinkChange India

Google India is launching their Internet Bus Project, an initiative that is essentially a mobile exhibition of the Internet. The project focuses on Tamil Nadu and aims to reach people that are not currently using the Internet.

The Internet Bus Project is an attempt educate people about what the Internet is, and how it may be beneficial to their lives, by taking the Internet experience to them through a customised Internet-enabled bus, which will travel to several towns and cities across India.

Additionally, this project highlights content in both English and Tamil, allowing larger segments of the population to participate and really understand the value of the web.

Visit the Internet Bus Project site to see photos, videos and track the route the bus is taking. The bus reaches Vellore today.


Via Neatorama
Launched February 2, Ocean in Google Earth will allow users to navigate underwater without a snorkel, exploring shipwrecks, algal blooms, maps of tiny phytoplankton, even the homes of the jaunty nudibranchs. Within the layers, users can check out multimedia features that combine data and maps with videos, quizzes and other interactives, as well as photos from National Geographic. The idea for Google Ocean came about after Google Geo Products director John Hanke had a conversation a few years ago with NatGeo explorer-in-residence Sylvia Earle, marine biologist and tireless champion of the ocean and its inhabitants. She told John when he was working on Google Earth: “I hope someday, John, you’ll finish [Google Earth]. You’ve done a great job with the dirt, but there’s all that water out there– the world is blue.”

In addition to National Geographic, several well-known marine institutions such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Scripps, and Woods Hole have contributed data. 3. LOCATION-BASED SOCIAL NETWORKING

Via ars technica

Google on Wednesday flipped its Google Maps social networking switch with the introduction of Latitude, a new service that lets Google users share their location with friends, family, and coworkers. This is one of the first big steps into location-based services (LBS) from a major player that trumps even the social networking giants like Facebook and MySpace.

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