Pratham Books

Gabriel García Márquez says “I am Still Writing”

Last week there was a report that claimed that “Gabriel Garcia Marquez may not write anymore“. But, the author has announced that this is not the case.

But García Márquez, father of magical realism, author of Love in the Time of Cholera and winner of the 1982 Nobel prize for literature, dismissed these comments yesterday when contacted by a Colombian paper.
When he eventually agreed to answer two questions from El Tiempo, he put paid to the claims that his literary career was over. “Not only is it not true [that I won’t return to writing], but the only thing I do is write,” he said.Asked if he would publish more books, he responded that his job was “to write, not to publish”. “I’ll know when the cakes I am baking are ready,” the 82-year-old concluded enigmatically.

Read the entire article here.

Image Source: Ross_Angus

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