Pratham Books

Funds for an Animal-Assisted Therapy Project at a School in Bombay

Via NGO Post

I am looking for someone who can urgently respond to our funding requirement of the Animal Therapy project mentioned below. We have already lost two months of the academic year looking for the same. We wish to start next month if we find someone who is willing to fund the project by next week. I know it is too urgent a demand, but the project is really going to benefit these kids. Those interested can contact me on 9987509102. Please spread the word. For further details about our organization please log on to
  • Little Sapling school: School For Appropriate Learning (SAPLING) was set up to cater to the needs of those students who could not continue in the mainstream for academic reasons, but did not fit into any of the special schools then in existence. Today, SAPLING has formulated a holistic educational curriculum for these students, both academic and co-curricular, with the intention of mainstreaming.

Project description –

When children find it difficult to read and learn, especially because of the fear of being judged, there is no better reading buddy than a dog. Animals motivate children to learn in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Animal Assisted Therapy and Animal Assisted Reading program will be given to the children in the school on once a week basis. A trained therapy dog will be brought to the school for a 1 and a half hour therapy session.

This will be the first of its kind pilot study documented on AAT and learning differences. The children will be divided according to age and ability. Before the therapy starts, each child will be evaluated for Baseline Scores. Goals will be set according to the requirement of the children. After every three months of therapy, mid term evaluation will be taken. The scores will be compared to the baseline scores to see the extent of progress in the children.

Since most of the results are based on expression and emotions, the therapy sessions are video recorded. This helps us in documenting the important data which aotherwise cannot be written down. E.g. Improvement in eye contact or the child expressing love for the dog etc.

Project results can be shared with the donors on request.

Project Duration -One year (academic)
Total estimate of the project – Rs.80,000/- for 10 months (one academic year)
Rs.8000/- per month

Expenses –

  • Therapy Charges – documentation and evaluation – 5200/-
  • Travel Expense (for the therapy dog and 3 volunteers) – 2800/-

Mrs. Minal Kavishwar
Animal Angels Foundation

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