Pratham Books

Frances Lincoln Diverse Voices Children’s Book Award 2010

Via Paper Tigers

Frances Lincoln Limited, the award-winning publisher, and Seven Stories, the Centre for Children’s Books, are proud to announce the second Diverse Voices Award in memory of Frances Lincoln (1945 – 2001), to encourage and promote diversity in children’s fiction. The Frances Lincoln Diverse Voices Children’s Book Award is for a manuscript that celebrates cultural diversity in the widest possible sense, either in terms of its story or the ethnic and cultural origins of its author. The prize of £1,500, plus the option for Frances Lincoln Children’s Books to publish the novel, will be awarded to the best work of unpublished fiction for 8-to-12-year-olds by a writer, aged 16 years or over, who has not previously published a novel for children. The writer may have contributed to an anthology of prose or poetry. The work must be written in English and it must be a minimum of 15,000 words and a maximum of 35,000 words.

The last date for submission of entries is 26th February 2010.

The Paper Tigers blog also has a list of literary events happening across the world in the month of November. One of the events that interests us is :

Bookaroo Children’s Literature Festival~ Nov 28 – 29, New Delhi, India

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