Pratham Books



Via Hippocampus

Shankara Hippocampus welcomes you all to a ‘Think tank ‘ Saturday – Weekend activity by butterfly fields.

Yep Science club demo activities for anyone above 6 years (yes papa’s and mama’s too).This is in context of starting this year’s science club at the centre so your participation and feedback is important.

This 19th see you all at the centre @ 4:30,wear your thinking caps.

Please mail and confirm your participation by 18.06.10.

More information here.


Independent Publishers Distribution Alternatives (IPDA), in association with Alternate Law Forum (Bangalore), is organizing a workshop at Bengaluru on 24th and 25th of June.

Spreading The Word
Copyright, Dissemination and Independent Publishing

Date: 24th & 25th June 2010
Time: 10 am to 5.30 pm both days

Venue: United Theological College, Benson Town, Bengaluru

The details of the themes and speakers are to be found in the attached note on the workshop.

We invite you to participate in this workshop — or to forward this invitation to anyone else in your organisation who may be be interested.

Thursday, 24th June, 10 am to 1 pm
Theme 1: Copyright, Dissemination and Independent Book Publishing

As independent publishers we want to share our discomfort with the creation of monopolistic empires based on aggressive, opaque and closed IPR regimes. We feel that these regimes are not be conducive to the free spread of knowledge and ideas, and may actually be creating private property from out of the commons. With the consolidation of publishing operations within a few global corporate media conglomerates, there is an attempt to recast copyright contracts to fall in line with more stringent IPR regimes. It is thus important for us to revisit the legal frameworks within which publishing operates and reaffirm our basic commitment to ‘spreading the word’.

Thursday, 24th June, 2.30 to 5.30 pm
Theme 2: Emerging Copyright Regimes – The Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2010 and its Implications for Book Publishing

A bill amending the copyright act has been introduced in the parliament in April 2010. The Alternative Law Forum has submitted a detailed critique of an earlier draft of the bill to the Registrar of Copyrights. We need to educate ourselves on these developments and its implications.

Friday, 25th June, 10 am to 1 pm
Theme 3: Rights, Licenses and Contracts – Obligations and Responsibilities

Copyright will vesting naturally with the author gets defined in the agreement/contract that the author enters into with the publisher. The publisher consequently enters into further contracts with other parties to carry the book or its contents across different territories and across different media forms. An understanding of the legal frameworks will enable us to think of ways and means to spread our books further and acquire more content to publish.

Friday, 25th June, 2.30 to 5.30 pm
Theme 4: E-Publishing, E-Bookstores and Digital Rights

Independent publishers do need to learn how new technologies and new media our impacting our work processes. In a context where technology is speeding up both knowledge creation and dissemination and IPR regimes are being created to control these processes, we need to explore and forge new ways of dealing with knowledge processes that go beyond its reduction to property and its manifestation as a commodity.


Twenty-eight years. From letterpress to direct-to-plate. From ‘setting in metal’ to digital technology. The craft of making books.

What makes book design ‘work’ across cultures ?

The Art of the Book celebrates Seagull’s passion for good design through a recent series of digital collages and book covers created by our designer Sunandini Banerjee.

Celebrating 28 years in publishing, Seagull Books cordially invites you to the opening of

The Art of the Book:Digital Collages by Sunandini Banerjee

on Saturday, 19 June 2010, at 6.30 pm
at the Seagull Arts and Media Resource Centre
36C S. P. Mukherjee Road,Calcutta 700 025.

Find more details here.


Haiku at The Madras Terrace House by Kala Ramesh

POETRY READING on Sat 26 June, 7pm
HAIKU WORKSHOP on Sun 27 June, 10.30 am – 5pm

To register, email:

The most compressed poetry in the world, haiku has more than a four hundred year old Japanese tradition behind it.

A season’s poetry or nature poetry, one can say or running on the lines of Zen, calling the mind to the “isness of life” another might say, all the same it’s addictive and you’ll find yourself being rooted to the moment!

This haiku workshop would be presented in simple and easy steps — on how best to write one and get published too, if you are passionate enough about it!
In short you’d come to experience The Joy of Haiku and what it is to share this joy with others!!

More details here.


(Please click on the image for more details or visit

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