Pratham Books

“Donating drawings! Love the idea” – Anjora Noronha on the #6FrameStoryChallenge

Anjora Noronha is an incredibly versatile artist. In fact, she is so versatile that we couldn’t wait to see the style she had chosen for her 6-frame story. Needless to say, her illustrations made us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and we enjoyed looking at all the little details she had clearly put a lot of thought into: the toys strewn across the floor, the big bear’s little bear, cactus’ bed by the window.
Anjora is one of the 8 Illustrator Gurus for the #6FrameStoryChallenge which means that she will also be one of the judges for the campaign. When we first asked her about donating her artwork, she responded instantly: “Sounds like a super-project! Count me in, I want to be a part of it.”

“There are six words I love in Pratham Books’ idea: illustrate, donate (donating drawings! Love the idea~), open-source, story, only-pictures, no-words! I didn’t need anything more to convince me to participate. I think it is a super effort on Pratham Books’ part to create this open-source library of stories. Whilst working on mine, I often wondered how children, parents and teachers will use it and how they will interpret our stories. The whole process from start to finish was new and refreshing. Thank you Pratham Books for inviting me to be a part of this incredible idea!”

(Anjora Noronha grew up in Vienna, moved back to Goa, studied at Srishti School of Art and Design in Bangalore, worked in Delhi, studied again in Barcelona and then moved back to Goa for the second time, where she is currently working on children’s books and a graphic novel in her studio that’s hidden away in a secret place. You can see all her art here:

Read the other interviews by illustrators who took the challenge:
Rajiv Eipe
Kalyani Ganapathy
Prashant Miranda
Kavita Singh Kale
Megha Vishwanath
Priya Nair Panicker
Sweta Roy Choudhury
Paneendra Suresh
Priya Kuriyan
Yulianto Qin
Manjari Chakravathi
Sonal Goyal and Sumit Sakhuja
Samidha Gunjal
Preeti Lata
Shwetha Elisha
Mithila Ananth
Sunandita Mehrotra
Vedavathi Narasimha Murthy
Jithin Jacob
Vidya Gopal
Archana Sreenivasan
Somesh Kumar
Antara Mukherji

If you missed the #6FrameStoryChallenge, but are inspired by the work of fellow illustrators and want to contribute to the open source story platform – do send us your stories! Story guidelines are available here.

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