Pratham Books

“Diving Straight Into a Contest” – Vidya Gopal on the #6FrameStoryChallenge

We added ‘Fish Rain’ to our Word Wishlist for the #6FrameStoryChallenge to encourage a bit of whimsy. But did you know that people have actually witnessed fish rain in the past? There are several interesting explanations and you should definitely read more about it (frogs, spiders and worms too!). Anyway, we’ve been so fascinated by how each illustrator has picked 6 words and interpreted it in their own unique way. We’re sending a little whimsy your way and so you must have a look at Vidya Gopal’s visual story.
Here’s what Vidya had to say about participating in the #6FrameStoryChallenge: 

“When my friend invited me to participate, I was totally excited at the prospect of orchestrating flying women and fishy rain, and only later did it sink in that I was diving straight into a contest. I loved doing this!”

(This is Vidya Gopal’s first attempt at illustrating a story. She has used watercolour and pen for her illustrations. You can see more of her work here:

Read the other interviews by illustrators who took the challenge:

Jithin Jacob

If you missed the #6FrameStoryChallenge, but are inspired by the work of fellow illustrators and want to contribute to the open source story platform – do send us your stories! Story guidelines are available here.

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