Pratham Books

Dhwani’s Skype Session with 4th Graders at Central Manor

Some of you may know of 12 year old Dhwani Yagnaraman. She wrote a beautiful guest post for our blog on Mother’s Day. After she wrote for us, we wondered if Dhwani would want to participate in a Skype session with our friends at Central Manor. Dhwani agreed immediately and after we corresponded with the Ms. Teresa Reisinger, the Skype session was set up. Ms. Teresa wrote in to us after the Skype session to share their experience and made us feel like we were sitting right there in the library and witnessing Dhwani and the 4th graders interact.
On May 14, 2009, Mrs. Piatt’s fourth grade class at Central Manor Elementary in Pennsylvania, held a Skype session with Dhwani, a lovely young lady from India. As it was a very cloudy day, Dhwani, was our much needed ray of sunshine.
Our session started with a bang! As we were adjusting our sound and video, we heard a huge BANG from the hallway. No, the sky had not fallen. It was glass shelves that had fallen in a showcase outside the library doors.

After introductions, and a beautiful opening poem by Dhwani, Mrs.Ashworth, the library teacher, asked Dhwani which is her favorite Folk Tale. Much to our surprise she answered that her favorite, was one, which Mrs. Ashworth had just read with the fourth grade classes last week, the Gifts of Wali Dad by Aaron Shepard. It certainly is a small world!

The fourth grade class and Dhwali then exchanged many questions about their favorite books, favorite book series, favorite genres, favorite authors and Maddie’s big question, “How many books do you have?”

Cassidi, asked Dhwani if she is a good reader and shared that she also loves to read.

Anthony asked if she likes poetry. Dhwani shared that her favorite type of poetry is prose.

We also shared information about our school subjects. We found out that Dhwani can speak several languages.

Although we live in different countries with different customs we are very much alike. We all love pizza and ice cream!

As we got deeper into our conversation we learned that Dhwani has visited many states in the United States. Maybe next time she will visit us in Pennsylvania.

Sadly, after 45 minutes our fun had to end. As we called out our goodbyes, Dhwani asked if we could speak again before Central Manor’s summer break. We will Skype with you soon Dhwani!

—Teresa Reisinger

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