Pratham Books

‘Book: The Sequel’ Project

Book: The Sequel” is a project where you cook up a line for an imaginary sequel of a published book.

Ever wonder what happens to Harry Potter after twenty years of marriage and a steady government gig?

Or what Karl Marx would say about today’s financial crisis?

If the Bible had a sequel, what would its first sentence be?

Write that sentence and you could be published! It’s easy!

  1. Pick a book.
  2. Imagine its sequel.
  3. Write the first sentence.
  4. Give it a great title.
  5. Click Submit Sequel Now! to enter.

Follow the countdown to publication on Twitter, spread the word on Facebook, and find out on May 30th whether you are a Published Author!

For example: HappyMeals are all alike; each unhappy meal is unhappy in its own way. —From Anna McKarenina (sequel to Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy)
Visit “Book: The Sequel” to submit your first line.

Image Source: Violets and Handshakes

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