Pratham Books

Book Review : Rupaiya Paisa Series

N. Chokkan reviews our Rupaiya Paisa series on his blog.

When I started reading, I had my own reservations: Can financial matters be explained to kids? Either it will be too diluted or confusing.
But this well designed, well written book surprised me pleasantly. It covers all aspects of finance in detail that the kids need to know. It starts with ‘what is money’ & talks about income, expense, assets, investment (short, long term), ROI, insurance, laws, taxes, shares… Best part, all these are presented with simple examples, colorful illustrations, practical tips, activities. I LOVED reading it.
I knew most of the topics that were discussed in the books, but the simple manner in which those were explained, made it a great read.
My personal thanks to Author Mala Kumar & Illustrator Deepa Balsavar. Strongly recommend this to kids / adults of any age who want to understand money.

Click here to buy the books.

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