Pratham Books

Book Review : My Family

R’s Mom reviews our book ‘My Family’ on Indian Moms Connect.

My Family written by Arshiu Naaz, Kuldeep Sandhu and Sushila, illustrated by Rajeev Verma (Banjara) and published by Pratham Books is a very nice sweet book. 

Targeted for toddlers and above, the book is a story of a girl whose name is Tuk Tuk. She introduces us to her family which is a typical Indian family with uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents and even a cute like dog called Bujo. 

What we loved about the book was
1. The name Tuk Tuk. R and I used to dissolve into giggles every time we read the book
2. The excellent illustrations by Banjara. He has managed to get every expression of every family member so wonderfully
3. The fact that the book teaches children that family is not only your own brother,sister, father and mother. It’s about the extended family. While we are moving towards a nuclear family set up at least in urban India, here is a book that teaches children about extended family
4. Loved the cute ending. R and I always laugh when we finish reading the book.
Here is a book that celebrates family. Go on and buy it. It’s worth it!

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