Pratham Books

માતૃભાષા પ્રત્યેની મારી લાગણી

Today is International Mother Language Day and our blog is turning multilingual today. We are hosting a series of blog posts by different authors, illustrators, parents, educators and children – sharing their thoughts on languages and more. International Mother Language Day is an observance held annually on 21 February worldwide to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. 2015 is the 15th anniversary of International Mother Language Day.

(This post was sent in by Ashok Parmar – Central Team Member – Pratham Education Foundation Gujarat. Ashok started his journey with Pratham, in 2008, as an intern, while he was doing his Masters in Social Work. Ashok has a keen interest in Statistics and data analysis. He has also developed a keen interest in language, and enjoys working on stories and content created in Gujarati. In this post he writes about how his love for the language was ignited after he started working with Pratham and children.)

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