Children from various private and government schools sat engrossed as Mala Kumar, Editor at Pratham Books, read out the story of the talkative yak, with ample assistance from a glove yak puppet. Artist Bhargavi Satyan who had made the smart puppet was the cynosure of all eyes as she brought out pieces of paper from the boxes set on the table. Every child wanted to make a puppet too. Soon the hut was full of eager children asking for ‘pink ears’, yellow ‘fur’, brown ‘legs’, black ‘horns’, all of which Bhargavi had lovingly cut and brought to the venue. With Gum Man Puttaswamy’s help, colourful yaks sprung up. So what if some of the yaks had mis-matched ears, the children had fun, and the story of ‘Yakity Yak’ delighted them!