Pratham Books

Wooden Kindle Reader – Kindling

Via Neatorama

Rob at wanted his own wooden Kindle reader, probably because he already had a great name for it -Kindling! So he contacted Windell at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories, who laser-cut an awesome facsimile out of wood.

See more images here.


  1. Aly Chiman March 4, 2019

    Hello there,

    My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at promoted as a resource on our blog ?

    We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
    If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.



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