Pratham Books

Vani-Samanvay Distinguished Translator Award 2015

ILF Samanvay announces the instituion of the Vani-Samanvay Distinguished Translator Award.

Via Samanvay

As the India Habitat Centre (IHC) gears up to celebrate the 5th edition of its Indian Languages Festival – ILF Samanvay 2015, the commitment of this space to the development of a democracy of Indian languages is asserted by the announcement of a major Award for a distinguished translator, and a couple of interesting prizes for young writers. In the wake of Tamil Writer PerumanMurugan’s novel Madhorubhagan (One Part Woman) bagging the fourth ILF SamanvayBhashaSamman, the festival organisers have announced yet another much-awaited and relevant annual award which ILF Samanvay has instituted in collaboration with Vani Foundation: Vani-Samanvay Distinguished Translator Award.
Scheduled from 26 to 29 November 2015, ILF Samanvay 2015 has expanded its scope to engage a wider section of the society. It is as part of enlarging its mandate that a national level award for a distinguished translator who has contributed in a sustained and quality manner towards direct exchanges between two Indian languages, has been instituted. This award will be given as part of the activities initiated by ILF Samanvay every year. The India Habitat Centre and Vani Foundation have jointly conceptualised this award in view of the lack of recognitions encouraging direct exchanges between Indian languages without a mediating language. This award is hoped to encourage contemporary translators in the linguistically diverse sub-continent with a rich history of literary exchange.
The award is worth INR 1,00,000 (Rupees One lakh) and as far as possible this award will consider translators directly translating between two Indian languages and have sustained this activity for a considerable period of time and produced a remarkable body of work. The jury of the award include writers NamitaGokhale, Ashok Vajpeyi, RizioYohannan Raj, IHC Programmes Director Vidyun Singh, NBT Director and writer Rita Choudhury, andwriter-scholar Rita Kothari.

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