Pratham Books

Two Best Friends (Featuring Monster Chilli and Monster Idli) – Lakshmi Mitter’s Story for the #6FrameStoryChallenge

Till now, we’ve only seen adorable idlis land up in the stories created by illustrators for the #6FrameStoryChallenge. So, when we received a mail about a story that featured a monster idli and monster chilld, we were curious to see what they were upto. Find out what happens in  Lakshmi Mitter’s story about ‘Two best friends‘.

Why I decided to sign up for the challenge? Well the idea of narrating a story with just pictures and no words fascinated me. I simply had to try it. It was a lot of hard work, but totally worth it. I learnt a lot and it definitely helps me in the experiment I am currently doing in coming up with video stories for children.

(Lakshmi Mitter is a freelance writer by profession. “I used to write articles in economics. But somewhere along, thanks to my kid, I found my passion which is writing stories for children. Some of my stories have been published in Malayalam Manorama Publication- Magic Pot, Deccan Herald and Hindu Young World. Oflate, I have been experimenting with video stories for which I write and illustrate myself. If you would like to take a look the link to my youtube channel titled “Adventures of Ted, the fire engine“. The series is based on a fire engine who is terrified of fire! Every week, I put up a new story about Ted’s adventures as a fire engine”, says Lakshmi. You can also follow her blog.)
If you missed the #6FrameStoryChallenge, but are inspired by the work of fellow illustrators and want to contribute to the open source story platform – do send us your stories! Story guidelines are available here.

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